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5 simple tips for better time management to be more productive and achieve your long term goals

time management
Experienced entrepreneurs, free lancers, business owners etc. understand the need and master techniques for better management of time.


5 simple tips for better time management to be more productive and achieve your long term goals

Understanding and practicing efficient time management to the best of our ability is a skill that takes intricate practice but helps immensely in the long run.

In modern-day city life our brains are inundated with a constant flow of information which may or may not be beneficial to us. Added to that is the balancing act we have to master between personal and professional lives, each of which can be further broken down to multiple roles. Lack of understanding about time management leads to burning out, caused by mental and physical exhaustion which is becoming increasingly common.

Experienced entrepreneurs, free lancers, business owners etc. understand the need and master techniques for better management of time. They practice strategies and techniques that help them manage time and prevent them from causing discrepancies and improve their planning process.

Break down tasks and problems to simple terms

Simplifying problems or tasks could help in utilising less energy and conscious effort. Often, because of unplanned steps we strategies we burn a lot of energy without realising it. Time management is fruitful when a process is established and one can break down their approach to a task or problem into small, simple operations which are easy to grasp and deploy without the utilization of much energy.

Build a system of prioritisation

Priorities for businesses are often defined by deadlines, importance of execution, ROIs, reach, etc. This often leaves us missing essential things that bring long-term value. Time management requires a design a and methodology based upon creativity, focus, planning and efficient execution. In order to focus on big picture goals, individuals should be able to control and process their day-to-day tasks. Prioritising and balancing long-term activities and short-term goals for momentum and instant gratification, respectively, is critical.

Use simple tasks to begin with

It may be more exciting and even seem more valuable to complete a large, complex task, however, failure to do so often leaves us demotivated. In order to see progress with planning and activities, start with trivial, quick and easy tasks to gain a good head start. This not only helps with your confidence but also switches on your productivity mode and makes for better focus.

For example, Admiral William H. McRaven (U.S. Navy Retired) who served with great distinction, propelled the belief that starting your day by first making your bed is a small way to change your life.

Create a long-term plan

Your day-to-day activities and tasks need to be planned independently from your over-all long-term goal plans. Day-to-day tasks may emerge spontaneously but it helps to stay focused when you have a long-term plan and understand if your smaller, new tasks are in line with it.

Assign milestones to track progress and list repetitive activities to know what you should try automating. This will also help you achieve a determined outcome, as close as possible, and give you a clearer picture of your availability and keep check on how much you are filling your plate.

Upgrade your time management strategy

These are just a few tips to help you get started on better time management and no matter how good your strategy, there’s always room for improvement. Learning never ends, be it your professional capacity, business, personal, passion development or anything else – it could always be refined or upgraded. Keep a watch on activities that take up too much of your time, or require far too much of your attention and try to simplify these.

As mentioned before, jumping between tasks and changing roles through the day can be mentally exhausting. It affects each and every decision and therefore action we make. Hence, understanding and practicing efficient time management to the best of our ability is a skill that takes intricate practice but helps immensely in the long run.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the publication



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