All posts tagged "Global Warming"
Climate change will prove catastrophic for the world
August 9, 2021Failure to act on climate change will result in catastrophic consequences for the world, warns Alok...
Global warming making India’s monsoon season wetter and extreme
June 5, 2021A new research reveals that global warming is likely to make the Indian monsoon season wetter...
Climate Change
UN chief calls on world governments to declare State of Climate Emergency
December 13, 2020The UN chief Antonio Guterres has called on governments to declare a “State of Climate Emergency”...
India trying to revive commercial coal mining but globally coal business going up in smoke
September 8, 2020India, by all means, is trying to stay afloat in the swirling water of COVID-19 which...
Climate Change
Smarter cities can help cut emissions in half by 2040
December 5, 2016As a planet, we have some serious climate targets to meet in the coming years. The...