Raising Superstars, a Mumbai-based provider of activity-based educational content for young children, has recently been featured on the renowned television program ‘Empowered,’ hosted by Hollywood icon Meg Ryan. The spotlight was on Raising Superstars’ innovative Prodigy framework for early childhood development, designed for babies, toddlers, and kids aged 0-6 years, through its engaging, screen-free activities.
Founded in 2020 by Raghav and Shraddha Himatsingka, Raising Superstars aims to nurture children’s emotional, physical, and cognitive-linguistic abilities through short, 5-minute daily activities. Meg Ryan’s ‘Empowered’ show, known for highlighting impactful stories shaping consumer experiences globally, selected Raising Superstars for its dedication to educational impact.
The founders were invited to Florida, US, to shoot the segment, showcasing how the Prodigy framework requires just five minutes of daily engagement and emphasizes screen-free activities to optimize cognitive and emotional growth. Through testimonials and real-life experiences, the documentary captures the essence of Raising Superstars’ mission to equip parents with the tools to foster extraordinary potential in their children.
The documentary featuring Shraddha Himatsingka has been widely distributed across esteemed platforms, reaching over 200 public television stations in the United States, including Fox Business News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Discovery Life, Family Channel, and CNN Headline News.
“Empowered’s recognition validates our vision to empower parents globally,” said Shraddha Himatsingka, Co-founder of Raising Superstars. “Through this, we aim to inspire and support families in fostering their child’s full potential.”
The programs encompass a range of easy, fun, engaging activities meticulously crafted by child development experts and educators. These activities leverage play-based learning to enhance cognitive, social, and emotional skills, laying a solid foundation for future success.
“We are honored to have been recognized by Meg Ryan’s ‘Empowered’ for our commitment to revolutionizing early childhood education,” said Raghav Himatsingka, Co-founder of Raising Superstars. “This opportunity amplifies our mission to empower parents worldwide to actively participate in their child’s growth and learning journey.”
Raising Superstars continues to expand its reach, with a growing presence in more than 150 countries, offering valuable resources and tools through its Prodigy Baby app.
The ‘Empowered’ program’s showcase of Raising Superstars highlights the importance of early childhood development and the role of innovative approaches in shaping the future of education. Through its Prodigy framework, Raising Superstars is not only empowering parents but also creating a brighter future for children around the world.