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5 simple hacks to clean your Facebook newsfeed and curb the quality of content according to your interests

clean your Facebook newsfeed
When your news feed is filled with annoying, uninteresting posts it makes for an unpleasant social media experience


5 simple hacks to clean your Facebook newsfeed and curb the quality of content according to your interests

Facebook wants you to spend more time on their platform hence, they will give you options to enhance your newsfeed

Facebook is looking to become a platform that helps ‘connect communities’, however, some people still think its only purpose is to post status updates, rants against the world and pictures of what they cook and eat. There is a lot of amazing content in the online space that can be consumed for both, entertainment and learning. However, along with these uninteresting posts, the clutter of advertisements showing up on your newsfeed makes for displeasing visit to social media. Many people do not realise that they can curb the quality of content that shows up and so for those looking to clean your Facebook newsfeed, check out these 5 easy steps:

How to see fewer ads

clean your Facebook newsfeed Every time an ad-post appears on your feed, in the top-right corner of the ad you will notice a downward pointing arrow. Click on this and you will see several options, if you do not want to see ads like these, simply click the ‘Hide ad’ option and you will see fewer of it.

Remove ads from your newsfeed

clean your Facebook newsfeed

If you want to completely do away with ads on your newsfeed then go to ‘settings’ and select ‘ads’. You will see four options on your right, select each option individually and change the settings accordingly.

Turn off notifications

If someone tags you on a post or ad that does not interest you and you do not want to be troubled by its notifications, then simply select ‘turn off notifications’ for the post.

Stop seeing annoying statuses

clean your Facebook newsfeed To stop seeing annoying posts from your friends or pages you’ve liked, again, click on the arrow in the top-right corner and you will see the option of ‘hide post’. This serves as a good temporary solution, however, if you want a permanent solution then click ‘unfollow’. Go to your friend’s profile and from the options on the right, click unfollow and you will stop receiving their updates.

Customise your newsfeed’s settings

clean your Facebook newsfeed One of the best options is to customize your entire newsfeed’s settings. You can do this by clicking on the downward pointing arrow in the top-right corner of your Facebook page where you will see the option of newsfeed preferences. The first option lets you choose which friend’s or liked pages’ posts you want to see first. The second option lets you select a list of friends and pages you may have liked whose posts you do not want showing up on your newsfeed. The third option lets you reconnect or refollow friends and pages that you may have unfollowed earlier. And the fourth and last option lets Facebook suggest pages that you may be interested in basis the pages and content you like.

These five points can make a huge difference to your newsfeed. Just remember, Facebook wants you to spend more time on their platform hence, they will give you options to enhance your newsfeed so that the content you consume is as per your interests. Both, Facebook and Instagram, use bots to feed you more content basis the posts you ‘like’. If you know of any other hacks like these, feel free to share.



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