Indian brand, LAVA is set to make a comeback with a range of student-centric tablets priced between Rs 9,000 to Rs 15,000. The devices will have preloaded content ranging from online classes to YouTube channels, and e-Books curated by EduSaksham, an edu-tech start-up which offers content for K12 and competitive exams.
Sunil Raina, President and Business Head, Lava International Limited, said the biggest challenge for children and their parents is the effective integration of technology with the current education needs for a unified learning experience. “With these new products, we hope that we are able to help ease their development even in this COVID-19 times.”
Tejinder Singh, Head Product, Lava International Limited, said the education sector witnessed a huge disruption due to the pandemic. “Students were suddenly dependent on their parents’ devices for their classes. This new series of Lava devices have been specially designed to address the requirements of students and are affordably priced for parents,” he said.
The newly launched tablets are the Lava Magnum XL, Lava Aura and Lava Ivory. The first model comes with a 10.1 inch IPS LCD with 390 nits of brightness, and features a 2MP front camera and a 5MP rear camera. Its powered by a MediaTek 2GHz quad-core processor, 6100mAh battery, and comes with 32GD internal storage, which is further expandable up to 256 GB. Priced at Rs 15,499, the tablet comes in a dark grey shade and metallic finish.
The second model – Aura, priced Rs 12,999, has an 8-inch screen with a 5MP front camera and an 8MP rear camera. Its powered by a MediaTek 2GHz quad core processor, a 5100mAh battery, and comes with a 32GB internal storage, expandable up to 256GB.
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And the Ivory, priced at Rs 9,499, has a 7-inch screen with a 2MP selfie camera and a 5MP rear camera, plus an internal storage of 16GB, which is expandable up to 256GB.
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