You can now get the biggest iPad, the iPad Pro in India from authorized re-sellers. The starting price is Rs. 67,900. The iPad Pro is available in three versions. The 32GB WiFi is being sold for Rs 67,900, 128 GB iPad Pro with just WiFi at Rs 79,900 and the 128GB WiFi Plus Cellular connectivity at Rs 91,900.
Along with this, to complement the iPad Pro is the Apple Pencil at a cost of Rs. 8,600 in India while the Apple Smart Keyboard costs Rs 14,900.
The iPad Pro has a 12.9-inch screen with 2732 x 2048 pixel Retina Display and is only 6.9mm thick and weighs 713 grams. The product is made of the Apple A9X chipset which is said to have better performance than 80 percent of portable laptops out there. The First Post reported that according to Apple, the A9X offers desktop-grade CPU and console-grade GPU. It promises a 10-hour battery life as well. More importantly, the iPad Pro is the only iOS device to support data transfers at USB 3.0 speeds with the new Lighting to SD Card Camera Reader as well.
The Apple Pencil that compliments the iPad Pro is a white coloured pressure sensitive stylus. The main target group for the product are creative professionals who want to get precise and accurate output for their ideas. Another accessory mentioned earlier is the Smart Keyboard which can fold up to become the iPad Pro cover. The Keyboard can also be used for typing, for watching content on the display and covering the iPad Pro.