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International Youth Day 2021: Unleashing the true potential of youth in fight against Covid

International Youth Day 2021: Unleashing the true potential of youth in fight against Covid


International Youth Day 2021: Unleashing the true potential of youth in fight against Covid

Every Year, International youth day is observed on August 12 to bring the issues faced by young people to the fore and provide them with an opportunity to truly be active participants in the social and political life of their societies. Recognising their true potential and empowering them to make positive contributions to their communities and nations form the crux of International youth day. The day also gives an opportunity to celebrate and mainstream young peoples’ voices, actions and initiatives.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that youngsters were on the “frontlines of the struggle to build a better future for all”. In a video message, he said that the highlight of this year’s International Youth Day will be on “solutions developed by young innovators to address challenges to our food systems”.

Around 1.21 billion people aged between 15 – 24 inhabit the earth – 15.5 per cent of the global population, according to estimates in the 2020 United Nations World Youth Report. It is crucial for them to become socially conscious and unleash their collective will to highlight major issues from gender, racial and socioeconomic inequality to climate change.

International Youth Day: Response to Covid

In view of covid pandemic, young people can play a critical role in combating the spread and effects of COVID-19, especially to challenge the spread of disinformation online. The role of governments as well as youth organizations and community groups will be essential to ensure that trustworthy public health information is disseminated. Young people themselves are also utilizing online technologies to spread public health information in engaging ways such as videos to promote effective handwashing or explain how social distancing can save lives.

International Youth Day 2021: Theme

Every year, the United Nations declares a theme that is relevant to all global communities and citizens. The theme of International Youth Day 2021, “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health”, highlights the success of such a global effort will not be achieved without the meaningful participation of young people. As part of the official outcome recommendations of the 2021 ECOSOC Youth Forum (EYF), young participants stressed the importance of working towards more equitable food systems. In addition, they highlighted the need for youth to make informed decisions on food choices through increasing global education on the healthiest and most sustainable options for both individuals and the environment.


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International Youth Day: History

The idea to celebrate International Youth Day was first proposed in 1991 by the young people who had gathered for the first session of the World Youth Forum of the United Nations in Vienna. On 17 December 1999, the UN General Assembly (A/RES/54/120 which endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth calling for 12 August to be declared International Youth Day.

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