Weekend Collection 8
Cover of Your Chin’s EP Scatter Nature
Weekend Collection 8
It isn’t easy to melt our hearts so easily; these weary ears of music lovers searching for ‘that’ sound. These are the tracks that forced us to drop our work and time travel. Here’s hoping to share some of that love.
Needy Greedy – MTV Sync TAAQ + Baycity Lights
Bangalore Rockers Thermal and a Quarter teamed up with Bombay funk duo Baycity Lights (purportedly TAAQ’s favourite new band) for an MTV show and came up with this very urban funk number “The Grass is Greener on the Other Side”. A softer side to Thermal and a Quarter’s sound is an interesting turn of events to tune in to and “TAAQ and Baycity Lights collaborate and ignite.” Indeed.
[avideo videoid=”EPNhJ57GVjc”]
Give A Little Love – The Mostar Diving Club
There’s something about the current crop of British indie bands. This song by The Mostar Diving Club reminds us about all of those things that they claim influence them – strange and peculiar instruments, getting into the mountains, singing songs, wilderness, cities,writing songs……! The perfect laidback song for a misty weekend, this, down the same trail as Jack Johnson and early Mumford and Sons.
[avideo videoid=”M6K8IKdczq8″]
Man Overboard+Telling Ghosts – Puscifer
Maynard James Keenan’s creative subconscious has spoken. A live recording from the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, here’s a mash-up of Puscifer’s two most well known songs – Man Overboard and Telling the Ghosts with Carina Round of “For Everything A Reason” fame. Maynard pours himself a glass of wine mid-performance, don’t be left behind while you enjoy the slow rumble of his and Carina’s voice.
[avideo videoid=”zMa5Ikn6lOM”]
Run Along Little One – Your Chin
Remember Young The Giant? Now meet Your Chin. Sky Rabbit’s Raxit Tewari’s solo project is out with a second EP Scatter Nature with his solo project getting as much attention as Sky Rabbit. Watch this video for Raxit Tiwari’s soft caress-of-a-voice as much as the uber cool video, made up entirely of a montage of still camera shots, reminiscent of an art appreciation class.
[avideo videoid=”9NQaDnKdfzM”]
I Chose Myself – Zokhuma
Ex-member of Goddess Gagged, Arman Menzies’ solo project Zokhuma is out with a single, that reflects the ambient Bonobo-esque sound, a signal of the coming times for the music industry. This is definitely a step ahead for the indie music coming out of India. To listen to the song, click here.
(To listen to our previous weekend collections, click here, here and here. )