Adam Levine Crowned Sexiest Man Alive, 2013
Adam Levine Crowned Sexiest Man Alive, 2013
Adam Levine Crowned Sexiest Man Alive, 2013
If America’s People magazine is any source to go by, as the world has done so blindly in the past many years, then their crowning of Maroon 5’s frontman Adam Levine “Sexiest Man Alive” has only humbled the singer. Levine feels “flattered” to be spoken in the same breath as George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, who’ve earned the same title in previous years. The magazine has been running this feature of titling a male celebrity on physical attractiveness since 1985 with Mel Gibson being handed the first award.
Most interestingly, this title has always been clinched by actors. Levine is second in line to grab this honor as a non-actor, after John F Kennedy.