Iron Maiden’s New ‘Trooper Beer’ Reaches India
Iron Maiden’s New ‘Trooper Beer’ Launches in India
Iron Maiden’s New ‘Trooper Beer’ Launches in India
British hard rock band Iron Maiden, which needs no introduction, has found a new way to market its already popular brand name – by selling beer. ‘Trooper Beer’, which was first unveiled in UK in May is finally reaching Indian stores and cafes. It will be launched officially on December 1 at Mumbai’s restro-bar D’Bell, for the Indian market.
Trooper Beer is of the ale variety crafted by UK-based Robinsons Brewery and is distributed by the Yeast India Company in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. So if you’re a fan of hard rock and beer, Iron Maiden brings the perfect combination to unwind on a tiring evening.
For details on the launch event see here. Meanwhile, listen to the song that offered its name to the beer, “Trooper”.
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