BITS Pilani Conquest has students looking for start-ups in tier-2 cities
Parth Gupta, a B.Tech student in Manufacturing Engineering is the COO of Conquest, a start-up pitch-fest held at BITS Pilani that is organized by the students themselves. Conquest has had a long run since its inception in 2004 and has held host to co-founders of many successful start-ups like SlideShare and Snapdeal.
This year, Gupta and his team are facing a huge challenge as they aim to reach the smallest start-ups in tier 2 and tier 3 cities. Conquest aims at reaching more than 2 lakh entrepreneurs, mainly in cities that lack an ecosystem for start-ups.
“It is that common urge to increase our efficiency that I find satisfying; And every start-up that registers gives us a happiness that does away with all the tired heat-struck evening meetings we have had till now.” says Gupta.
Conquest 2015 is a must-visit event for all young entrepreneurs from around the country. It is an international start-up competition that is open to all kinds of start-ups provided they have registered after January 2013, or still at idea stage. The last date to apply for Conquest is May 15th. By June 15th, 50 start-ups will be shortlisted for the pitching rounds.