Turquoise Cottage Decoded
Turquoise Cottage Decoded — Like Daniel Powter says, “If You’ve Had A Bad Day” there is a party always on at Turquoise Cottage. The music is good, the food lifts up your spirits, the Eat Pray Love variety of filling your soul without emptying your pocket too much, and the live gigs and general atmosphere bring the homies together in casual bonhomie like nowhere else really. How Turquoise Cottage makes you feel is difficult to tell unless you’re part of the brotherhood.
The many charms of Turquoise Cottage
Turquoise Cottage Decoded
Like Daniel Powter says, “If You’ve Had A Bad Day” there is a party always on at Turquoise Cottage. The music is good, the food lifts up your spirits, the Eat Pray Love variety of filling your soul without emptying your pocket too much, and the live gigs and general atmosphere bring the homies together in casual bonhomie like nowhere else really. How Turquoise Cottage makes you feel is difficult to tell unless you’re part of the brotherhood.
(Turquoise Cottage at MA 03, Restaurant Block, District Centre, DLF Place, Saket, call 9818182812.)