Calcutta on Monday said it has secured the second spot in Asia in the ‘Financial Times Masters in Management Rankings 2020’ for its flagship two-year MBA programme. The institute ranked 21st globally in the FT rankings, an IIM (C) spokesperson said. “IIM Calcutta has secured the second rank in Asia and also in India among the five Indian B-Schools listed in the rankings,” he said. IIM Calcutta Director Anju Seth said the FT Rankings demonstrate again that the institute’s MBA programme is a powerful launching pad for its graduates to contribute to business and society in leadership positions.
“In line with our vision of global eminence, our continuous endeavour is to further promote curricular relevance, international engagement, and diversity for a dynamic learning experience that positions our students as global leaders,” Seth said. Categories considered in the rankings include alumni career progress, school diversity, and international experience and research. IIM Calcutta excelled in several individual criteria within these categories, including salary percentage increase and career progress of alumni since graduation, the spokesperson said.