Here’s how you could earn money online, at home – Skill4Win
Are you a college student who is looking to make money online in your spare time? Are you a housewife who is looking to make some extra cash from your home? Or maybe, you are looking to earn money online? However, the case I have a solution for you, Skill4Win!
What is Skill4Win?
Skill4Win is an online skill gaming portal in India, which allows you to earn money. Register and play your favorite game on Skill4Win and win cash.
-Free Signup
-Get Rs.100 cash bonus
-Deposit bonus
-Refer your friend get Rs.25
How to Get Rs.100 Cash Bonus?
Step: 1 Verifying email after registration, get first Rs 25.
Step: 2 Verifying mobile number after registration, get second Rs 25.
Step: 3 Second day login ie., the day after registration, get third Rs 25.
Step: 4 Third day login ie., the second day after registration, get the final Rs 25.
How to Set Up Your Referral Program?
You will get Rs.25 as a cash bonus for every friend who clicks on the link and registers with Skill4Win. You can use this cash bonus to play cash games. The cash bonus will be added to your account only after your friend completes their registration.
How to Earn Playing Cash Games?
You can play challenges of Rs.20, Rs.50 and Rs.100 value and for every game you win, you will be rewarded with real cash prizes. Remember to practise free games and gain expertise before playing for cash.
So if you are looking for a better way to show you how to earn money at home, and then check out skill4win today! Visit skill4win to play and earn.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the publication
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the publication