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One Touch Response signs up with over 10,000 subscribers

One Touch Response signs up with over 10,000 subscribers


One Touch Response signs up with over 10,000 subscribers

One Touch Response (OTR) Emergency Services, the first 911-style emergency response service in India has successfully signed up over 10,000 subscribers. Based in Delhi, the service can be accessed via app or on call and offers a single point of contact for all kinds of emergencies.

According to founder of One Touch Response Emergency Services, Arvind Khanna, the company is the first of its kind service to combine a smartphone safety application with state-of-the-art technology, backed by on-ground physical response assistance.

One Touch Response will allow a user to receive help in case of an emergency which could be anything from road rage situations, stalking, eve-teasing, physical threat, being stranded on the road or being caught in a minor/major accident, medical situation etc. Furthermore, the company provides different packages for individuals as well as corporations in the field of security services.

The company also offers a private emergency service will provide immediate assistance on-call that can be availed just seconds after using the app. At the backend, Incident Managers at the OTR Command and Control Centre will deploy a First Response Team to reach the person at despair within minutes.

Currently, OTR Emergency Services provides physical response teams in Delhi NCR and on-call assistance in over 1000 towns and cities. In places apart from Delhi NCR, the on-call assistance connects with external agencies to resolve the issue raised by the user.

Such an agency is a great way to tackle security issues that are becoming a rising concern throughout the country.

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