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XtraTrust CA Leads the Way in eGovernance and Digital Transformation

XtraTrust CA Leads the Way in eGovernance and Digital Transformation


XtraTrust CA Leads the Way in eGovernance and Digital Transformation

XtraTrust DigiSign Pvt Ltd (XDPL) is an Indian Certifying Authority (CA) licensed by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA), providing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions to enterprises and government organizations. XDPL offers eSign via Aadhaar eKYC and legally valid Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) under the IT Act 2000 to individuals and private & government organizations across India

With a PAN-India presence, XDPL is committed to contributing significantly to the secure facilitation of Digital Transformation in India by creating new techniques, collaborating to produce technological benchmarks, adhering to government guidelines, and predicting industry trends. As part of its e-governance efforts, XDPL provides end-to-end e-governance services and solutions to government departments and organizations. XDPL is a subsidiary of Xtranet Technologies Pvt Ltd (XTPL), which has a long history of Turnkey IT Projects and AI-based software development in India, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates. With a focus on highly scalable PKI solutions, XDPL serves as a one-stop shop for all PKI needs, enabling secure commerce, communications, delivery, and community interactions.

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“We believe that securing online transactions should not come at the expense of efficiency,” said Sukhbir Singh Kukreja, founder of XtraTrust. “Therefore, we have designed cutting-edge processes that ensure exclusive and win-win arrangements for our clients. These processes are dynamically reviewed by experts, and changes are made as needed to improve the customer experience and make it world-class.” “We intend to catalyze the digitalization of the Indian and global economy by contributing to the growth of e-commerce and technology across various private and public sectors,” added Kukreja. “We plan to expand horizontally and vertically by expanding our domestic facilities and operations in Asian markets while maintaining our focus on empowering individuals and organizations by making this technology easily and affordably available.”

XDPL’s next-generation Identity-enhancing solutions allow businesses to conduct digital transactions in a more convenient and private manner. They plan to develop regionally, enter new industries, raise brand awareness, and establish strategic alliances to retain their long-standing relationship with customers across the board.

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