‘I am Fearless’ Campaign launched by Wockhardt Hospitals for women
Wockhardt Hospitals celebrate the tremendous efforts of women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and embracing technology and innovation for gender equality. Keeping in line with the year’s theme for International Women’s Day “DigitALL: Technology and innovation for gender equality”.
Ms. Zahabiya Khorakiwala, MD, Workhardt Hospitals, said, “providing youth – especially young girls /women with role models and access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) related activities or clubs can help them see these subjects’ possibilities and real-world applications. As you are seeing hospitals are embracing technology in every specialty therefore, STEM education will be a crucial catalyst in helping girls to be at par with men to bridge the gender gap.”
Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai Central organized an awareness talk on Breast Cancer by Dr. Meghal Sanghavi, Onco Surgeon, touching upon early detection is important to treat breast cancer. The earlier the stage of breast cancer the better the chance of survival as breast cancers have a 97 to 100 percent chance of cure but once it spreads to the lymph nodes or elsewhere the chance of cure goes down significantly. She also touched upon how technology and advances in cancer treatment could revolutionize the way doctors treat diseases, from earlier cancer detection to improved quality of life for cancer patients.
Dr. Gandhali Devrukhhar, discussed how Premature menopause is different to menopause which occurs at around the average age (45-55 years), as premature menopause means that the ovaries are not working properly. They stop producing eggs years before they normally would. Premature menopause is estimated to affect 1% of women under the age of 40 years and 0.1% of women under the age of 30 years. Hence it is important to listen to your biological physical clock and plan marriages and babies accordingly.
More than one hundred women/girls enjoyed playing games while a few danced to the music. The celebration ended with a cake cutting and distribution of goodies.