Check Out ViceVersa’s New EP Subchronicles
Check Out ViceVersa’s New EP Subchronicles
Check Out ViceVersa’s New EP Subchronicles
Collaborating with alt-rock band Tough on Tobacco’s singer Sidd Coutto for one of their tracks titled “Easy”, Mumbai-based electronica outfit ViceVersa are out with their latest 3-track EP labelled as Subchronicles. Drawing influences from a smorgasbord of genres including dubstep, drum and bass, and hip hop, ViceVersa have worked with indie artists like Siddharth Basrur, Keshav Dhar (Skyharbor) and the likes in the past.
You can stream Subchronicles here. The track “Habibi” from the same album got translated into a video which is linked below.
[avideo videoid=”BubzO3LW_z8″]