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Millennials are often characterized as digital natives that grew with computers, the Internet, email, social media, downloading their music and always having a cell phone handy. If the generation that precedes them (Generation Xers) talk about work-life balance, millennials are about work-life integration, and they value flexibility and expect equality.
The recent studies showchanges in how everyone works, the generational differences, and the important role millennials perform for the businesses as they offer out of the box thinking, adaptability and technological know- how, that are required to keep up with the competition for innovation excellence.
Key challenge at present is the disconnect that prevails between corporates and the current workforce. As a result, millions of jobs opportunities are vacant while most of the millennials struggle to build careers.
HR and learning and development as well as management need to understand the characteristics of the millennial generation and needs to adjust leadership programs for them.
Below mentioned are a few points for the organization to keep themselves relevant for the millennial workforce:
Let Go of the Organizational Ego
Millennials support causes, not organizations. Keep your mission front and centre, and loosen up the administration. For Millennials to be upfront and stay involved, they need to feel the cause is being advanced or helped.
Be Empirical
Millennials value experiences. They don’t want to hear about the impact you are having. They just want to be a part of it, to experience it and work on it. Engage them through eloquent interactions. Millennials want to actively participate in the work. Find ways for millennials to do a task or job, not just fundraising.
Be Transparent
Millennials are used to being part of the conversation and in the loop. The old style of making decisions ahead of time and presenting them isn’t going to work. Organizations must show their decision making processes and give a chance for input. Millennials have little interest in hierarchies and are not impressed by positions and titles. They believe everyone should have a voice and that the best ideas and strategies should be shadowed, not because they came from the top.
Millennials are highly collaborative and want to work together, not in silos. Embrace technology. They are digital natives, implying that they are used to accessing information using technology 24×7 and connect with people virtually. It is essential for the companies to promote a work culture that promotes people working as teams alongside ensuring a proper recognition for the contribution made by them on an individual level.
Be social and connected
Millennials are social and hyper-connected.Any organization needs to be engaged on social media channels and make them easy to find and access. Organizations often struggle to get their word out. Implement social platforms- Enterprise Social Networks- that ensures open and transparent communication across levels in the organization and a connected workplace while ensuring the security of important internal data. In numerous cases implementation of such platforms have led to a better productivity and recognition of talent within the organization resulting in reduced attrition rate.
Show and Appreciate Value
Provide opportunities for Millennials to meet each other, network, and develop their skills. Even though much will be done online, providing in-person social prospects and communications are important. Remember that they are used to learning remotely so short online training will work. Look for opportunities for Millennials to share their talents with your organization.
Lose The Formal Affairs
They have sophisticated taste in food and spirits, but they don’t like stuffy and formal affairs. Millennials prefer casual attire and creative fare. Millennials are innovators and value change. Being static goes against their grain. They will not stick around if you are not moving forward and innovating.
It is anexperiment for organizations full of millennials at the rudder and in leadership positions to be receptive to this coming of age generation and implement changes to their organizational cultures. The first place to start is by enlisting the help of millennial staff members regardless of their positions. Secondly, organizations may consider putting together either an ad hoc committee or task force on millennial engagement.
Your organization can benefit greatly from this unique generation that cares deeply about social change and doing good. Half of the workforce will be comprised of millennials by 2020. Organizations that adopt cultural changes and welcome them early and earnestly have much to gain.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the publication