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Haryana government launches scheme to register patents to protect MSME innovations

The scheme would provide assistance for obtaining patent registration on the products of the enterprises, and would remain in operation for a period of five years- mybigplunge


Haryana government launches scheme to register patents to protect MSME innovations

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a bid to promote patent registration among the small and medium enterprises (MSME) to protect their innovation, Haryana government has launched a scheme to grant financial assistance of up to Rs 25 lakhs.

Minister Capt Abhimanyu told media that the state government has implemented the ‘Patent Registration Scheme’ for MSMEs.

“A notification to this effect has also been issued by the department. The scheme would provide assistance for obtaining patent registration on the products of the enterprises, and would remain in operation for a period of five years,” Abhimanyu added.

In this scheme, the government has made provision for grant of financial assistance on the grant of patent registration to secure the rights of enterprises over their traditional product or process. Under this, reimbursement of 50% of the actual expenses, including filing, consultancy, search and maintenance fee, would be granted, subject to a maximum of Rs 25 lakh for both domestic and international patent registration.

MSMSEs can get the benefits sending an application on prescribed form for the reimbursement of expenses incurred in acquiring patent registration. Other listed documents need to be submitted to the Director of Industries and Commerce, through the web portal of the department.

Only those MSMEs which have acquired patent registration after August 14th, 2015 and before August 14th, 2020 would be eligible under this scheme.

This registration will give the owners an exclusive right to prevent or stop others from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing a product or a process, based on the patented invention, without the owner’s prior permission.

The deficiencies, if any, would be communicated to the applicant on-line within 10 working days and the applicant would be given eight weeks to rectify the deficiencies so pointed out, he said.

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