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Hyundai joins the 'smart-mobility' bandwagon



Hyundai joins the 'smart-mobility' bandwagon

A recent media report is doing rounds that Hyundai Motor is planning to start development of a company manufactured one-sealer electric car and an electric scooter. This can be viewed as a step forward for the company to mark its presence in the ‘eco-friendly’ and ‘smart-mobility’ industry.  

This news has not ceased to make noise in the Indian media circles as the country’s capital continues to battle with the rising concerns of pollution.

Only in the beginning of this year, supported with an strong media zest, the Delhi government had taken a decision to implement the odd even plan. One of the key factors was the pollution generated by the many cars plying on the Delhi roads.

This new manufacturing solution by leading automakers will prove as a workable solution for emerging markets like India which are facing pressure because of an increased urbanisation clog up its cities.

geneva auto show

Hyundai is planning this manufacturing initiative as a part of Hyundai's future mobility project IONIQ unveiled recently by the vice chairman Chung Eui-sun at the Geneva auto show.

Few electric/hybrid cars available in India are Mahindra e20, Toyota Prius, Toyata Camry Hybrid, BMWi8, Maruti Suzuki Ciaz Hybrid. 

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