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Sifar Releases New Album Titled “2”


Sifar Releases New Album Titled “2”


Sifar Releases New Album Titled “2”

Sifar Releases New Album Titled “2”

Sifar Releases New Album Titled “2”


Alternative-rock band Sifar, that takes inspiration from music cults like Nine Inch Nails and Nirvana, is out with their new album titled 2. The back story of Sifar is very similar to the lives of a lot of artistes who were stuck in mundane jobs until they realized their passion for music to take it up professionally. But unlike most other artistes, members of Sifar haven’t left behind their day jobs as they feel it would take the pressure off them from creating music and depending on it as their sole livelihood.


Listen to the album here. You can buy the album’s CD from here or download it from here. Listen to “Gunah”, which was nominated at the 2011 IndieGo Music Awards in the “Genre Bending Song” category, from their previous album titled 1.


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