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Twitter to launch edit feature for its premium customers

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Twitter to launch edit feature for its premium customers

Twitter is soon going to launch its much-awaited edit feature, but only for users who pay $4.99 per month for a subscription to Twitter Blue, the social media giant said in a blog post on Thursday.

The company said they have been internally testing an ‘edit tweet’ option – something which will subsequently be introduced to subscribers of Twitter Blue. As part of this subscription, these premium users will receive early access to many features introduced on the social media platform. 

The tests for their feature will first be localized to a single country and then expanded across the globe. “We’ll also be paying close attention to how the feature impacts the way people read, write, and engage with tweets,” the company said in its statement.

For the test, tweets will be able to be edited only in the first 30 minutes after they are posted. The tweets which have been edited will appear with an icon, timestamp, and label that the original tweet has been changed. When the users tap on this label, they will be able to see past versions of the Tweet – something like what its primary rival Facebook allows all its subscribers to do with their posts. 

“Even if you’re not in a test group, everyone will still be able to see if a Tweet has been edited. They help protect the integrity of the conversation and create a publicly accessible record of what was said,” the statement said,

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