IT startup Metasky on Thursday said it has raised Rs 13.7 crore in a funding round led by Sequoia Capital India and Woodstock Fund. Metasky positions itself as a bridge to Web3 – working with influencers, creators, and brands closely to form a Web3 strategy for their followers with the help of its user-friendly tools for buying, storing, and using NFTs (non-fungible tokens).
Web3 is a set of technologies that give ownership of digital assets in the form of NFTs and crypto tokens as well as data straight to end-users. The fund has come to the company in a pre-seed token sale round, it said in a statement.
“This round of fundraising was focused on growing the team and getting the product built and ready for the various user communities. The funds will empower Metasky in developing ‘SkyWallet’, designed especially to store every Web3 possession at a single place and ‘SkyClub’, a decentralised community platform,” Metasky co-founder Ankit Arora said.