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Algorand Foundation Pioneers Blockchain Education in India with NASSCOM Partnership

Algorand Foundation launches Developer Training platform with NASSCOM


Algorand Foundation Pioneers Blockchain Education in India with NASSCOM Partnership

In a significant stride towards fostering blockchain education and development in India, the Algorand Foundation, under its India-focused initiative AlgoBharat, has achieved two major milestones. The foundation has launched the first layer-one blockchain protocol-backed Application Developer Course on NASSCOM’s FutureSkills Prime platform and surpassed the 50-university mark for Algorand Blockchain Clubs (ABCs) across India.

Pioneering Blockchain Education with NASSCOM

On May 28, 2024, the Algorand Foundation proudly announced the official launch of its Application Developer Course on NASSCOM’s FutureSkills Prime platform. NASSCOM’s FutureSkills Prime, a collaborative effort between India’s IT industry and the Government of India, aims to enhance the digital skillset of the nation’s workforce, positioning India as a global leader in technological innovation and growth.

As the first blockchain platform to partner with NASSCOM, Algorand has created original training content that aligns with the National Occupational Standards (NOS) and National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). This alignment ensures that India’s young developers gain skills that are in high demand by employers. The course is designed to equip students and professionals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in blockchain technology, thus preparing them for the burgeoning Web 3.0 landscape.

Expanding University Engagements

The Algorand Foundation has also been proactive in its engagement with universities across India. Over the past 18 months, the foundation has invested significantly in educational initiatives, which include establishing over 50 Algorand Blockchain Clubs (ABCs) on university campuses. These clubs provide a platform for students to delve into blockchain technology, encouraging innovation, collaboration, and hands-on learning.

The foundation’s commitment to education extends to faculty development as well. AlgoBharat announced its third Faculty Development Programme, which will be led by Dr. Nikhil Varma, Algorand’s technical lead, from June 13-15, 2024, at BMS College of Engineering in Bengaluru. This program aims to enhance the knowledge and teaching capabilities of university faculty members, enabling them to effectively guide students in the field of blockchain technology.

Cultivating a Community of Innovation

The Algorand Blockchain Clubs have become a cornerstone of Algorand’s educational outreach. These clubs are supported through webinars, workshops, and travel opportunities to domestic and international events. For instance, nearly 30 ABC leads attended the inaugural Algorand Impact Summit in Delhi in December 2023. These events provide students with the chance to interact with leading Web 3 entrepreneurs and developers, fostering a vibrant community of innovation and collaboration.

Commitment to India’s Digital Future

Anil Kakani, VP and India Country Head at Algorand Foundation, emphasized the importance of investing in the country’s young developers. “Investing in India’s young developers – who represent our country’s future – is the most exciting part of our work. It’s inspiring to see students starting blockchain clubs across the nation and learning to build on the Algorand blockchain platform, which uniquely caters to scalable solutions that will help drive us to a more inclusive economy. Our partnership with NASSCOM’s FutureSkills Prime platform is a strong testament to our commitment to India’s digital future,” said Kakani.

Strategic Partnerships for Inclusivity

At the Algorand Impact Summit in December 2023, the foundation announced several key partnerships aimed at leveraging blockchain technology to promote inclusivity and economic opportunity. These partnerships include collaborations with T-Hub, TiE Bangalore, NASSCOM, SEWA, and Mann Deshi. The central themes of these collaborations are to use blockchain technology to create a more inclusive economy by enhancing access to employment opportunities and financial inclusion.

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