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What mother's really want

celebrating Mother's Day- mybigplunge


What mother's really want

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]aya Angelou had once said, “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.”

It has been 100 years since Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day a national celebration. Although many would say there’s no one certain day to show our love for our mother, honestly, it’s only one day. Busy with our lives, though we appreciate the silent hard work our mothers do for us, we never really postpone any of our daily work to exhibit our love for her.

Hence, coming Sunday, you should really go for something special for her. Don’t fool yourselves by thinking something extravagant for your mother. That would hardly be memorable for her though she would put up the happiest of smiles on her face.

Instead, try to give her the things she always wanted from you but has stepped back thinking her wishes would seem foolish against your all important career and job.

American writer, P.J. O’Rourke said, “Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.” And though it might sound clichéd, it helps us find an answer here. What most mothers would want from her children is attention. Your daily job and weekend night-outs could hardly provides any time for you to spend with your mother.

How about staying in this Sunday and help her do the dishes. Of course this is not the only plan for the day but it might actually be the most important contribution. Washing dishes with a light chat about her current worries takes out the ‘exclusiveness’ from the attention she would be getting the whole Sunday, making it seem a genuine doing from your part.

Second would be cooking. All Indian mothers love to cook and if you show an interest in actually learning her magical talent rather than being the person who eats and appreciates, she would gladly teach you. You see, the aim is to make her more involved in your life rather than making her feel the most special person in this world only once a year.

Taking her to some ostentatious restaurant and spending hugely won’t do the trick either. It’s rather a hassle for her. Mothers personify simplicity. Gaining all the sudden attention would only make her feel uncomfortable. You can instead bring her favorite butter-scotch flavor ice cream while returning from work the previous night, and spend the lazy warm Sunday afternoon watching her favorite movie taking small scoops and listening to why she has always adored the hero of the movie.

We all share a unique bond with our mothers. A bond that might seem strange to outsiders and yet we are totally comfortable in that space. Hence, the best gift we can give lies in our small actions and gestures towards her. As we grow up, our circle expands and we don’t depend on her the way we once did. It’s that feeling she craves for.


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