Amid domestic traders complaining alleged violations of FDI norms by foreign online players, Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal on Tuesday said the government is considering to come out with certain clarifications to ensure that the e-commerce sector works in the “true spirit” of the law and rules.
He said the current FDI policy for the e-commerce sector is robust and well-designed. However, there are certain complaints from consumers and small retailers about certain practices of the e-commerce companies, which are under investigation, he added. “We have sought several information, they are being looked into. We are also considering certain clarifications to ensure that the e-commerce sector works in the true spirit of the law, of the rules that have been laid down for e-commerce,” Goyal told reporters.
The minister was replying to a question whether the government is re-looking at the FDI policy for e-commerce as Indian traders have been complaining about malpractices by some MNC online platforms. “There is no change in the e-commerce policy per se. The e-commerce policy is robust, well designed and operating in India in several sectors,” he said.