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IndiaSpend and Dvara Research launch webinar series on Reform Pathways for Healthcare Financing in India

IndiaSpend and Dvara Research launch _mybigplunge


IndiaSpend and Dvara Research launch webinar series on Reform Pathways for Healthcare Financing in India

IndiaSpend and Dvara Research launch webinar series on Reform Pathways for Healthcare Financing in India

IndiaSpend and Dvara Research, a policy research institution, will launch a 4-part webinar series titled ‘Reform Pathways for Healthcare Financing in India’. The series, to be conducted on Zoom, will touch upon pressing issues, gaps and opportunities in the Indian healthcare system and suggest the way forward to strengthen it holistically. The objective of this initiative is to scrutinize and explore each aspect of healthcare financing – which, hitherto, has been among the most neglected drivers of reformation of the larger healthcare system in India.

The series is targeted towards all health, finance and policy experts and professionals in the country and will dive into key micro and macro influencing aspects of health financing, such as: Indian health financing landscape: taking a first principles approach to public finance, understanding public and private goods in health care, focusing on the quantum and effectiveness of pooled expenditures, overview of the reform pathways for India. Commercial health insurance: types of segments/packages excluded and the reasons for it, supply-side problems, the role of managed-care models and international best practices to learn from.
Social health insurance: current state of Employee State Insurance (ESI), problems of design, governance and execution in ESI, and how overcoming these problems can substantially improve the delivery of healthcare and model a managed-care system.

Decoding Ayushman Bharat Yojana: identifying and addressing the gaps in Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)’s design and execution and its positive impact in areas of setting health standards, data handling and delivery of health services. The panellists of this series are distinguished experts in the fields of health, finance and policy. The first session on September 14, 2020 will host Dr. Cristian C Baeza, Executive Director, International Center for Health Systems Strengthening, Dr. Nachiket Mor, Visiting Scientist, The Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health and Dr. Niranjan Rajadhyaksha, Research Director & Senior Fellow, IDFC Institute, and will be moderated by Bindu Ananth, Co-founder & Chair, Dvara Trust. Participants can attend the first webinar of the series by registering on:; more details can be sought on IndiaSpend and Dvara Research’s Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook platforms.

About IndiaSpend: IndiaSpend is the India’s first data journalism initiative. Founded in 2011 by Govindraj Ethiraj, IndiaSpend utilises open data to analyse a range of issues with the broader objective of fostering better governance, transparency, and accountability on issues such as education, health, gender, youth and employment, climate change and environment, rule of law and governance. Through our award-winning stories, our research has been cited by senior lawyers in submissions to the Supreme Court and our reports have been quoted by the Economic Survey of India and have become part of wider policy discussions. IndiaSpend is a non-profit and a project of The Spending & Policy Research Foundation and registered as a Charitable Trust with the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai. Know more on: About Dvara Research Dvara Research is a policy research institution based in India. Our mission is to ensure that every individual and every enterprise has complete access to financial services. We strongly believe in the deeply transformative power of finance in unlocking the potential of individuals, households, enterprises and local governments. Our overarching strategy is to bridge evidence gaps with rigorous research, generate policy-relevant insights and bring together a constructive coalition to deliver this vision. Dvara Research has four policy research initiatives: Financial Systems Design, Household Finance, Future of Finance Initiative and Social Protection Initiative.

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