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Nikhil Chinapa to Speak at the Electronic Music Conference


Nikhil Chinapa to Speak at the Electronic Music Conference


Nikhil Chinapa to Speak at the Electronic Music Conference

Nikhil Chinapa to Speak at the Electronic Music Conference

Nikhil Chinapa to Speak at the Electronic Music Conference


The Electronic Music Conference (EMC), to be held in Sydney from December 2 to 4, has invited Submerge owner Nikhil Chinapa this year to speak on the business behind EDM, which has taken the world by storm in the past decade. Joining him on the same subject will be singular speakers like Matthew Adell, CEO of Beatport, Tim McGee, MD at Ministry of Sound and many other international names who dominate the world of dance music.


Given that today, EDM is almost a four and half billion dollar industry per annum, and has made it to the notice board of Wall Street, the question trying to answered at this conference is – will the EDM bubble burst or grow large enough to swallow independent artistes and alternate genres? Let’s wait and see what Nikhil Chinapa has to say and how much of his indigestion with Sunburn leaks out to the international market.


To read about the EDM warzone in India, click here



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