Startup burger delivery platform Burgerama on Monday said it has raised Rs 5 crore in pre-Series A funding led by Anicut Angel Fund. The round was also participated by new and existing investors, including Rishab Malik (Droom, Jungle Ventures), Ashvin Chadha (co-founder, Anicut Capital), Bikky Khosla (Chairman, and Arjun Seth (angel investor), the company said in a statement.
“The new investment would be leveraged to expand the brand’s geographical presence across north India along with entering tier-1 cities like Mumbai and Bangalore,” it added. Besides, some part of the funds would help strengthen the supply chain, product standardisation, creation of a franchise ready operation model, acquire talent, bolster marketing, develop backend operations to sustain and support the next phase of growth, the company said.
“This second round of funding from Anicut Angel Fund displays the confidence our investors have shown in the vision of expanding our business across the country and beyond,” Burgerama co-founder and CEO Kabir Bose said.
Anicut Capital co-founder and Managing Partner Ashvin Chadha said, “With the changing Indian customer’s taste palette and preferences for an international food and dining experience, Burgerama is strategically placed and aligned with the present consumer demands and will definitely make its space in the F&B industry”. In September 2020, Burgerama had raised Rs 2 crore, which was also led by Anicut Angel Fund. It currently has delivery kitchen outlets in Delhi-NCR serving cheeseburgers.
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