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Tezos India partners with IGDTUW to raise Blockchain awareness amongst female students

Tezos India partners with IGDTUW to raise Blockchain awareness amongst female students


Tezos India partners with IGDTUW to raise Blockchain awareness amongst female students

Tezos India — an organization that enables people and entities in India to use the Tezos blockchain — has announced a strategic collaboration with Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW), New Delhi.

IGDTUW is the first women technical university in India to provide impetus to the careers in technology for budding females; Tezos India has partnered with them to form and kickstart the Tezos IGDTUW Student Chapter in order to train and raise awareness related to Tezos blockchain amongst the female students of the institute who are currently pursuing their education in the field of Mechanical, Information Technology, Computer Science, Electronics and Communication.

Currently operated by an experienced core team of enthusiastic and hardworking students, the IGDTUW Student Chapter is working with the primary objective of increasing blockchain popularity across the campus. As a part of this initiative, the Student Chapter will play an instrumental role in organizing a series of workshops, hackathons and mentorship sessions regarding Tezos blockchain that will be hosted in the near future. Not only will the students of IGDTUW will be made aware of Tezos blockchain technology and its real-world applications through this collaboration, but also a batch of select best students from the university will be chosen after a 4-week mentorship programme followed by exciting hackathons to put their knowledge and skill to the test.

Speaking about the collaboration, Ms. Poorvi Sachar, Head – Operations, Tezos India says, “With blockchain technology already revolutionising the existing world order, it is essential to impart first-hand knowledge to women who are utterly underrepresented in the technical community. It is a no-brainer that for blockchain to become mainstream in India, women’s adoption and participation as builders and users of the technology are imperative, and with collaborations with renowned women-only institutions like IGDTUW, we at Tezos India are attempting to achieve the same. Given that IGDTUW is without a doubt a noted hub for enthusiastic learners with a desire to make better use of technology and resources, and having a lot of blockchain enthusiasts already out there, we believe that this partnership will go a long way in enabling awareness and support for women to enter the blockchain career space, and in the long run, make the tech sector more inclusive.”

In the near future, Tezos India is planning to collaborate with more women’s colleges, universities and institutions to provide the best possible resources to female students so that they can enter this novice field and be a part of the up-and-coming tech-revolution in the blockchain domain. Notably, Tezos India is also currently running initiative titled ‘SheCrypt’ in a bid to encourage increased and active participation of women in the crypto and blockchain ecosystem, wherein they are hosting a plethora of masterclasses, workshops and trainings to inspire and enable more women to actively participate and/or make successful careers in crypto and blockchain arena.

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