7 Way Assault: Bands Shortlisted For Elan E Jung 2014
7 Way Assault: Bands Shortlisted For Elan E Jung 2014
The annual IIT-Hyderabad cultural festival, Elan 2014, is all set to begin this Friday, making its way through the weekend with an array of interesting and competitive events. The entire festival is free, making the event a must attend, even for out-of-towners. The rock competition Elan E Jung has just put out its qualifying acts; a list of seven bands from across India that will play at IIT Hyderabad on 2 February, with one lucky winner opening for headlining act, Deathember, the Swedish metal band that we interviewed earlier.
The qualifying acts are:
Big Monkey Jam: These newbies play some hardcore rock n roll to soothe your soul. Not adhering to the ‘metal’ norms of today’s indie music, this Bangalore band is all set to unleash some old fashion blues and hard rock, mixed with some interesting polyrhythms, and stand as the sole ‘blues genre’ contestants in the fest.
Dark Moon Eternity: This Noida-based act features a lot of low-tuned chugging guitar riffs that form a melodic metalcore backdrop for some loud and energetic head banging. As a 5-piece semi-professional act with a brutal vocalist, prepare for some real heavy stuff.
Eclipse Alchemy: Based out of Trivandrum, these ‘true’ metal heads play groove, and are one of the favourites to win, as the competition is being judged by groove metallers Deathember. As a six-piece, obtaining their on-stage sound will be key in their performance at Elan, determining their strength as a live act.
What Plough?: Playing some funky alternative rock, these guys are toned down compared to the rest of the metal-oriented contestants, but have come from varied backgrounds. Based out of Pune, this quartet promises a great set, as they have in the past with very tight gigs. Their reception in contrast to the metal-dominated line-up is uncertain though.
Confuzone: A recent thrash/death metal act, Confuzone, from Darjeeling, have the feeling and power for some moveable beats. With a decent set of original compositions, this would be a great platform from which to truly start expanding in the Indian metal realm.
Orcus: This metal act from Mumbai has been around for a while. Playing some regular shows since 2010, they have steadily built up a cult following and 4 wallop-packing songs, that will most definitely be heard at Elan E Jung 2014. As a three piece band, the band dynamics will be carefully scrutinized by the judges.
NOTE: 5-piece Hyderabad grunge act The Tapes have replaced Orcus as the final competing act of Elan E Jung 2014.
Perpetual Void: Quite popular in the underground metal scene, this 5-piece thrash act, hailing from Hyderabad, finds it easy to get the crowd going. Having seen several mosh pits, the band looks to bring large amounts of energy to the stage. With a teeming home crowd, even if they don’t win, the gig will be epic.
With all seven bands looking confident a week before the event, one can already say the judging will be tight. One band each from Hyderabad, Noida, Bangalore, Pune, Trivandrum, Darjeeling and Mumbai have been chosen. Even with the varied genres that different bands will be playing, competition will be at its peak, and courtesy Deathember, only one band will emerge victorious.
Elan E Jung 2014 happens on 2 February 2014, and the winning band will open for Swedish headliners Deathember.