Some tips to take care of your dogs in the hot summer month
Summer is just beginning and the temperature is hovering close to 40 degrees and above. Summer vacations start at May but already some schools have declared week-off owing to the simmering loo blowing at all times of the day.
Hence, it won’t be very difficult to understand the condition of our furry friends who experience a terrible time at this time of the year and some even suffer tragic consequences. We often forget that our beloved pets have different needs in the heat of summer and our neglect can push them towards high risks.
But summer cannot stop you enjoying all the hiking, swimming and playing with your pets. All you need is certain planning and a precautionary measures.
Some tips to take care of your dogs in the hot summer month:
While Traveling
Dogs can’t perspire efficiently like us and has to dispel heat by panting and through the pads of their feet. Air moves through the nasal passages, which picks up excess heat from the body. As it is expelled through the mouth, the extra heat leaves along with it. Although this is a very efficient way to control body heat, it is severely limited in areas of high humidity or when the animal is in close quarters.
Hence, NEVER leave your pet in the car: When traveling by car, never leave your dog unattended. Heatstroke and death can occur within minutes of being exposed to warm temperatures.
Make sure the crate is well ventilated and put a sunshade on your car windows. DON’T forget to bring along fresh water and a bowl and a tarp or tent so you can set up a shady spot when you stop.
Also, if you see other animal in a parked car during the summer, alert the management of the shopping mall or grocery store.
While Indoors
Water, water everywhere: Whether you’re indoors or out, both you and your pet need access to lots of fresh water during the summer, so check her water bowl several times a day to be sure it’s full. If you and your furry friend venture forth for the afternoon, bring plenty of water for both of you.
Dogs tend to eat less in summer but they end up spending more energy in an effort to lower their body temperatures. A lot of pet owners tend to feed home-made diets like curds and rice during the summers, but it is very important to note that this food contains more water (70-80%) and does not have adequate levels of energy, vitamins, minerals, etc.
A well-balanced nutritionally complete and energy dense diet like Pedigree dry food, which also contains some natural antioxidants and confers some protection against the effects of heat and lesser stress to the pet.
It is also important to feed pets during the cooler part of the day and increase frequency of feeding to ensure that total recommended quantity of pet food is fed to your pet.
The energy requirement increases with the rise in temperatures and therefore, it is important that they eat more during summer and if, their intake has reduced then they should be compensated by feeding energy dense or nutritional balanced pet food.
For those long hairs
Keeping your pet well groomed will help their hair do what it was designed to do. Protect them from the sun and insulate her from the heat. Furry dog breeds should be well clipped during this season as the thick coat makes them feel hotter. It also makes it a home for bacteria and Parasites. Keep their bed cool: Remove cushiony bedding from your dog’s crate or bed. They may be more comfortable lying on the cooler bottom rather than on blankets or fleece
Make sure your pet doesn’t Overexert. Though exercise is an important part of keeping your dog or cat at a healthy weight, which helps them body stay cool, overdoing it can cause her to overheat.
Schedule exercise sessions for early morning or after the sun goes down. Your dog will appreciate the cooler temperatures—and so will you! Check the ground during walks. Blacktop can get scorching hot for your dog’s pads. Touch the surface yourself—if it’s too hot for you, it’s probably too hot for your dog as well
Refrigerators and bathrooms
This is that time of the year when dogs are tempted to drink cold water from toilet bowls. You will never notice when they will sneak in. So keep the lid down and try to avoid chemical cleaners and fresheners that stay in the bowl.
For the street dogs
Almost every pet owner has empathy for the unfortunate street dogs. They go through a lot at all times of the year. This is the time you can really help them. They shouldn’t be left outside unsupervised on long, hot days, even in the shade. Shade can move throughout the afternoon, and pets can become ill quickly if they overheat, so keep them inside as much as possible. If you must leave your pet in the backyard, keep a close eye on her and bring her in when you can.
Danger Symptoms
Heatstroke is a medical emergency. If you suspect your pet has heatstroke, you must act quickly and calmly. If you see that a dog is panting heavily, salivating or foaming, these may be the first signs of a heat-related problem.
The hallmark of heat-stroke is severe central nervous system (brain) disturbance and is often associated with multi-organ dysfunction. Get your dog to a cool location, provide small drinks of cold water, and, if he doesn’t improve within a few minutes, contact your veterinarian