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Calangute and the tradition of Agriculture in Goa, Michael Lobo honours a farmer

Calangute and the tradition of Agriculture in Goa, Michael Lobo honours a farmer


Calangute and the tradition of Agriculture in Goa, Michael Lobo honours a farmer

Michael Lobo has been a vocal advocate for the rights and welfare of farmers in his region, actively working to facilitate and encourage traditional occupations.

Nestled amidst the vibrant tourist belt of Goa lies Calangute, a village where time seems to slow down. Here, amidst the swaying palms and serene beaches, a group of dedicated farmers continue to uphold a timeless tradition of cultivating the land using age-old techniques. Their dedication to traditional farming not only preserves the region’s cultural fabric but also sustains the local economy in some ways.  The village in the north is also a key attraction as part of the Goa tourism offering.

Traditional Farming in Calangute

Traditional farming in Calangute primarily revolves around paddy cultivation, deeply interwoven with the region’s history and culture. These farmers employ methods rooted in sustainable practices, utilizing organic fertilizers and indigenous farming techniques that have stood the test of time. These practices ensure the preservation of soil fertility and biodiversity, contributing to the environment’s overall health.

Also read: Calangute Panchayat Goa to Set Up Checkpoints to Curb Illegal Activities and Implement Entry Tax for Tourists

The fields, lush with green paddy, are a testament to the enduring spirit of these farmers who labour diligently through the seasons. Their commitment to traditional farming methods is not merely about producing crops but also about maintaining a way of life that honours their ancestors and the natural world. The importance of these traditional farmers cannot be overstated. They are the custodians of a rich agricultural heritage, preserving crops and the knowledge and practices passed down through generations. Their methods, honed over centuries, promote biodiversity, soil health, and a sustainable approach to farming.

One such dedicated farmer is Lourdin D’Costa. A resident of Calangute, Lourdin has been tirelessly working the land since 1985. She embodies the spirit of Calangute’s traditional farmers, meticulously cultivating paddy fields using generations-old practices. Lourdin’s commitment to sustainable farming methods has not only yielded healthy produce but also inspired younger generations interested in carrying forward this vital tradition.

The Role of Government 

The Government of Goa has a crucial role in supporting these traditional farmers. Initiatives that provide fair prices for their produce, access to affordable organic fertilizers and pest control solutions, and technical expertise to improve yields are essential. Additionally, promoting farmer’s markets and encouraging sustainable tourism practices that connect tourists with local farms can create new avenues for income generation.

In Calangute, Michael Lobo, the former Minister for Science and Technology, Waste Management, RDA and Ports, has emerged as a champion for these traditional farmers. Lobo has been a vocal advocate for the rights and welfare of farmers in his region, actively working to facilitate and encourage traditional occupations. Furthermore, his efforts in facilitating farmers like Lourdin D’Costa and their commitment to the cause have earned him the trust and respect of the farming community in Calangute.

The story of Calangute’s farmers showcases the enduring power of tradition and its vital role in our food systems. By supporting these stewards of the land, we safeguard our agricultural heritage and the future of Goan agriculture.

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