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5 things that will get an angel investor’s attention

business angel


5 things that will get an angel investor’s attention

Start-ups have different options to fund their business. From angel investors, crowd sourcing, taking loan from a bank, or help from family and friends, there are many options. Angel investors are one of the most popular sources of funding your start-up. There are approached constantly even as most entrepreneurs find it an intimidating task.

To prepare, it is always a good idea to put yourself in an investor’s shoes. Consider this; each investor receives countless proposals, with each pitch promising to be the next big thing. So, the best approach is to stand out amongst the countless proposals. First you need to understand what exactly an angel investor is looking for. Put your idea in perspective of a meaningful market need, differ your product from the competition, and most importantly, have a clear projection and vision for your product. Here are five things that will definitely get the attention of an angel investor.

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