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PayPal launched their technology innovation labs in Chennai and Bengaluru

technology innovation labs
PayPal Director of Innovation, Mike Todasco said, “India is a hot bed for innovation, given the evolving startup ecosystem, diverse merchant profiles and enormous talent pool..


PayPal launched their technology innovation labs in Chennai and Bengaluru

Among others, the technology innovation labs would support several fields including, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science and penetration testing.

After launching in the United States and Singapore, the global leader in online payments, PayPal launched their technology innovation labs in Chennai and Bengaluru.

Focusing on productivity, innovation and education, the innovation labs would offer spaces to create and refine technologies along with a forum for employees to engage. Among others, the facilities would support several fields including, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science and penetration testing.

PayPal Director of Innovation, Mike Todasco said, “India is a hot bed for innovation, given the evolving startup ecosystem, diverse merchant profiles and enormous talent pool.. To cater to their needs in the most effective manner, we are delighted to announce the launch of our newest innovation lab in India.”

PayPal employees will also get to experience and tinker with a diverse range of hardware and gadgets. The list of equipments include Raspberry Pi with full sensor kit, AlphaBot kit, IoT kit, Amazon Echo, AIY kit, Leap motion, 3D printer as well as Proxmark 3 Kit, HackRF One and Ubertooth One for computer security enthusiasts.

PayPal’s technology innovation labs have been launched in India to bring about new mobile solutions from a mobile-savvy country like India – which brings innovative solutions for other emerging economies too.

The labs will be integrated with some ongoing initiatives that PayPal has in India, like PayPal Incubator, which was launched in 2013 with the objective to develop and nurture newer fintech startups.

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