Following their collaboration on Gladiator II, Ridley Scott and Paul Mescal are set to reunite again, this time for a post-apocalyptic thriller titled The Dog Stars. Ridley Scott will direct the film for 20th Century Studios, with Mescal in advanced negotiations to star. The film, based on Peter Heller’s 2012 novel, is adapted by screenwriter Mark L. Smith, known for his work on The Revenant. The project promises to bring a tense, emotional story to the big screen, blending survival, isolation, and hope themes in a decimated world.
The plot of The Dog Stars takes place in the aftermath of a devastating pandemic that has decimated American society. The story follows a civilian pilot, played by Mescal, who lives alone on an abandoned airbase in Colorado with only his dog for company. A tough ex-Marine is his unlikely companion, and together, they must navigate the dangers of a world overrun by roaming invaders. Their routine existence is upended when a mysterious transmission breaks through on the pilot’s radio, sparking a glimmer of hope that there may be a better life beyond their isolated perimeter. The pilot, driven by the promise of something more, decides to risk everything, flying past his point of no return to follow the static-filled signal.
This film will mark a significant departure from Gladiator II, which is set to hit theatres in 2025. While Gladiator II is an epic historical drama, The Dog Stars leans into the genre of dystopian survival, offering a more intimate, character-driven story. The film’s combination of a stripped-down narrative and the exploration of emotional depth is expected to allow Mescal to showcase his range as an actor, adding another impressive role to his growing resume.
Paul Mescal, who has been making waves with his performances in both film and television, praised Scott for his visionary approach to filmmaking, especially after their first collaboration on Gladiator II. In an interview at the film’s Tokyo premiere, Mescal stated, “There’s no better director for focusing on an audience’s sense of entertainment than Ridley Scott,” acknowledging Scott’s masterful command of large-scale productions and his ability to connect with audiences.
For Scott, working with Mescal on Gladiator II has only deepened his confidence in the actor’s talents. Speaking to The New York Times, Ridley Scott expressed his admiration for Mescal, saying, “Paul is very smart, so all he’s got to do is get over the scale of what I’m going to walk him into.” Scott also emphasized the collaborative nature of their relationship, noting that he wanted Mescal to feel at home on set and assured him that the large-scale production of Gladiator II would be a seamless transition.
The Dog Stars is shaping up to be a standout project for both Ridley Scott and Paul Mescal. It has the potential to deliver a thrilling, emotionally complex story set in a bleak future. With Ridley Scott’s visionary direction and Mescal’s rising star power, this re-teaming promises to be one of the most anticipated collaborations in the coming years. The film is expected to begin production in 2024, with more details about the cast and release date to be announced in the near future.