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Bihar Police Uncover Post-Dated Cheques in NEET-UG Paper Leak Investigation

Bihar Police Uncover Post-Dated Cheques in NEET Paper Leak


Bihar Police Uncover Post-Dated Cheques in NEET-UG Paper Leak Investigation

The NEET-UG 2024 paper leak controversy unfolds as the Economic Offences Unit (EOU) of the Bihar Police recovers crucial evidence pointing to a widespread scam. Deputy Inspector General (EOU) Manavjit Singh Dhillon revealed that six post-dated cheques, suspected to be payments to a mafia facilitating the NEET exam leak, have been recovered. These cheques were allegedly issued by candidates who paid over ₹30 lakh each for advance access to the question papers.

Key Findings in the Investigation

According to PTI, the investigation has led to the arrest of 13 individuals, including four examinees and several family members, all hailing from Bihar. Notices have been sent to nine other candidates—seven from Bihar, one from Uttar Pradesh, and one from Maharashtra—summoning them to join the probe. The police are currently working with banks to gather details about the account holders of the recovered cheques.

The EOU’s probe suggests that the question papers were distributed to candidates at a safe house near Patna a day before the exam on May 5. Partially burnt question papers were also recovered from this location. DIG Dhillon confirmed they are waiting for reference question papers from the National Testing Agency (NTA) to proceed with forensic examinations.

Allegations and Supreme Court Involvement

Over 24 lakh candidates took the NEET-UG 2024, which was conducted by the NTA at 4,750 centres in 571 cities. The results, announced on June 4, sparked controversy when 67 students achieved perfect scores, raising suspicions of malpractice. A group of candidates has approached the Supreme Court, calling for a fresh examination due to the alleged paper leaks and integrity concerns.

Read More – NEET Scandal: Exam Paper Leaks a Growing Crisis

Despite the Education Ministry’s dismissal of the allegations, the Opposition has demanded a Supreme Court-monitored probe. While acknowledging issues at six centres, Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan maintained that the NEET was conducted satisfactorily nationwide. He assured that any proven malpractice would be met with strict action, emphasizing the government’s commitment to supporting the examination’s integrity.

The Gujarat Connection

Parallel to the Bihar investigation, police in Gujarat’s Godhra town have arrested five individuals involved in a similar cheating scandal. These suspects reportedly charged students ₹10 lakh each to manipulate their exam results. The modus operandi involved students leaving their OMR sheets blank during the exam, which were later filled with correct answers by an accomplice at the exam centre. Police recovered cheques worth ₹2.3 crore from the suspects, further implicating them in the malpractice.

The Gujarat investigation has unearthed an organized network where candidates from various states specifically chose specific centres known for their lax supervision, reinforcing suspicions of widespread collusion.

Read More: NEET-UG 2024: Bihar and Gujarat Investigations Uncover Widespread Irregularities Amid Paper Leak Allegations

Implications and Next Steps

The ongoing investigations in Bihar and Gujarat highlight significant breaches of the NEET-UG 2024 examination process. The EOU’s findings, coupled with the arrests and recovery of incriminating evidence, underscore the urgent need for stringent measures to prevent such malpractices. The involvement of large sums of money and organized crime points to a deeply rooted problem that could undermine the credibility of national examinations.

As the Supreme Court reviews the case, the education sector and concerned authorities must address these vulnerabilities to restore trust in the examination system. The outcome of these investigations and the subsequent legal proceedings will be crucial in determining the future integrity of the NEET-UG and other competitive exams in India.

The NEET-UG 2024 paper leak scandal has exposed significant flaws in the examination process, necessitating immediate and comprehensive action. With the Supreme Court’s involvement and ongoing police investigations, stakeholders must collaborate to ensure that justice is served and future exams are safeguarded against such breaches. The findings from Bihar and Gujarat serve as a stark reminder of the lengths to which some will go to secure an unfair advantage, highlighting the need for continuous vigilance and reform in the education sector.

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