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AgNext Technologies and Tea Research Association set up AI Excellence Centre

AgNext Technologies and Tea Research Association set up AI Excellence Centre
AgNext Technologies in partnership with the Tea Research Association has successfully set up an AI Excellence Centre at Tea Research Institute.


AgNext Technologies and Tea Research Association set up AI Excellence Centre

AgNext Technologies in partnership with the Tea Research Association, has successfully set up an AI Excellence Centre at Tea Research Institute, Jorhat. The start-up will fully work on solving the quality quotient of the tea industry with artificial intelligence, IoT and data-driven technologies.

The excellence centre will focus on innovation, improvement and enhancement of the tea quality across the supply chain, and build sustainability at the core. The AI Excellence Center is formed to research the blend of artificial intelligence, algorithms, automation and big data analytics to build cutting edge business solutions to drive the tea industry forward in global markets. The center will also be a go-to destination for Academia and Industry for technical know-how, knowledge, development of unique technologies and application areas.

Anoop Kumar Barooah, Director of Tea Research Association, said the tea industry is one of the oldest industries and has huge potential for innovations from the garden to the retail. “And most of the tea giants are located in metropolitan areas, making it difficult to understand the problems of this industry and work closely with tea stalwarts to build solutions. This AI Excellence center will be an innovation hub to bridge that gap between experimentation and mastery.”

Taranjeet Singh Bhamra, CEO and Founder of AgNext, said they are building strong relations with the industry to understand the grass root problems and build solutions for them. “By partnering with TRA, we are able to bring the latest innovations, build a more technologically enabled, future proof method to meet the goals of industry,” he said. “We are expecting incredible changes ahead with the growing ubiquity and power of new technologies which blend artificial intelligence, algorithms, automation and data sciences to drive business forward.”

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AgNext has also built multiple solutions for commodities like spices, grains and milk. The company is aiming to solve the old-age prevalent problems of the $1.65 billion tea industry with the amalgamation of computer vision, IoT and molecular science. It has already deployed a digital ballometric solution – TRAGNEXT that determines the fine leaves count and surface moisture level of tea leaves without human intervention and removes the subjectivity from the quality assessment process. Now, at the AI Excellence Center, AgNext will work on developing the solution for multiple level quality problems from garden-to-cup. At AI Excellence Center, AgNext will focus on digitizing the quality across all the midstream processes from procurement to final processed tea through advanced technologies, thus, aiming to reduce operational and quality losses by bringing more transparency and standardization.

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